The global commitment to a CO2-neutral society, established at the Paris Agreement in 2015, calls for immediate action. Recent global conflicts further emphasize that "Energy is King." The automotive industry has embraced electric mobility, driven by leading brands like Porsche, VW, and Audi under the VW Group.
Energy efficiency combined with renewable energy is the key success factor in this transition. The traditional combustion engine cycle, with a theoretical efficiency of 43% (and a real-world maximum of 38%), is being replaced by electric mobility systems achieving up to 90% efficiency. Following the automotive sector, the maritime industry is now poised for a similar transformation, leveraging a unique advantage: "Resistance decreases with speed," signified by the progression from "Displace > Glide > Foil." This approach resolves the apparent contradiction between speed and range, driving the innovative technology stack from eD-TEC. As speed increases, resistance decreases, enhancing range.
eD-TEC is focused on developing a comprehensive, high-performance 360-degree technology stack, seamlessly integrated from the water to the cloud. Systematic, data-driven development ensures continual annual improvements. Only a holistic technology approach can maximize system efficiency.
Electrify the ocean and enjoy sustainability, two phrases by which eD-TEC lives and breathes. eD-TEC believes in electric mobility; the rapid Transformation on the road is entirely underway and will transform the entire market. This Transformation will not halt at the beach or dock.
Enjoy ocean and the enviroment without producing a footprint. Electrify the ocean and enjoy sustainability, two phrases by which eD-TEC lives and breathes by. Today Enjoyment and sustainability, are no longer mutually exclusive.
Perfect control, end-to-end-electronics, data and cloud-based development ensures an optimal and secure system network and generates continuous updates and upgrades over the air.
All components are to be operated in the ideal operating range in the system platform. Only a holistic technology approach can achieve system efficiency.
Silent Power also mean silent footprint, less sound, wake and no pollution.
New business models revolving and driven by software updates and upgrades enable the subscriber to constant development.
A lightweight hull using carbon or nature fiber to gain structural integrity without compromising weight. Enhanced via foil or stepped hull technology.
eD-TEC is a team of believers. Each Believer is a true expert in their respected field, ranging from surface propulsion over hydrofoil to the former head of Strategy of the Volkswagen Group.
The believers believe that the time for change has come. The future is electric, and the motto is "Enjoy Sustainable." Comfort, Luxury, Performance, and Sustainability are in no way mutually exclusive.
Why do we believe in our plan? What do we do? How do we do it? and Who is the believer Team? More info below...
Electrify the ocean and enjoy sustainability, two phrases by which eD-TEC lives and breathes. eD-TEC believes in electric mobility; the rapid Transformation on the road is entirely underway and will transform the entire market. This Transformation will not halt at the beach or dock. eD-TEC focuses on 6 Pillars that make it possible to provide the best system; Hull Technology, Propulsion Technology, AI/E3/AD, Software-driven platform and new business models.
eD-TEC has developed a complete technology stack for the maritime. The modular platform is adjusted for vessel size, hull type, and performance demands. The holistic architecture integrates the vessels components and is able to operate Stable, Smooth and Dry in Rough Water • Outstanding Sea Keeping – Damping Effect Reduces Fatigue & Motion Sickness, • Environmentally Friendly • High-Speed Performance with Surface Piercing Propeller Technology • Robust and less maintenance
TEC-STACK: Platform • Hull: Step and Foil, Lightweight • High integrated Drivetrain and Propulsion-System 50-2400 kW: • Propulsion-Cruising speed: 10, 20, 30 kn • Energy-Package: 80- 320 kWh, Onboardcharger AC22/DC150kW • End-to-End Electronic Architecture: Cloud connected, Update, Upgrades over the air, Drive by wire, Ecosystem • Assistants: Speed limit, Eco-mode, Berthing, Follow me, virtual Anchoring, ... • Solarpower: 1 kWp to 25 kWP • Dedicated HMI & Software • Range: 60 nm - unlimited* (GenSet)
eD-TEC was born as a small family Start-Up with a passion for electric mobility. The Team and network of believers that believe in the cause has quickly spread over continents. Believers from South Africa, New Zealand, Germany, and Slovenia are involved in the dream of electrifying the ocean. The believers are true experts in their fields and bring with them technologies, experience, and know-how that has been proven in the industry.
eD-TEC is deeply rooted in the electric transformation. As former Head of Strategy (Brand & Group) Michael Jost CEO and founder of eD-TEC, steered and pushed the Volkswagen Group towards e-mobility. In the pursuit of neutral and silent mobility on the ocean, the eD-TEC team developed a Holistic 360° Technology stack to utilize and maximize the efficiencies of every component. eD-TEC proves that luxury, comfort, performance, and sustainability are mutually exclusive in no way, shape or form. Instead, on the contrary, the benefits of electrification only enhance the experience. Join us and discover a new understanding of power.
eD-TEC develops a holistic backbone of your vessel. While propulsion is the core strength of eD-TEC, we also design and develop the entire electrical architecture to ensure the harmonic interaction of every component. Responsible for managing the vessel is the AI BOX, which can manage and operate every element of the system and keep all components up to date with the latest software. eD-TEC provides the vessel architecture (incl. eD-QDrive) as a modular product to third partie
We do not only offer Plug and Play drive systems. Contact us if the offered product range or specifications do not meet your demands. Let us know what your demands in propulsion, performance, endurance, and comfort are, and we will design a holistic energy and propulsion concept for your vessel or lineup. Ranging from purely electric 50kW units up to 600kW units. There are also particular demands in terms of energy storage; Battery and Genset setups are also considered and offered.