• Slider des Bereichs Vision der Jost Consulting

Our Vision - in a mood


5 portfolio ed tecElectrify the ocean and enjoy sustainability, two phrases by which eD-TEC lives and breathes. eD-TEC believes in electric mobility; the rapid Transformation on the road is entirely underway and will transform the entire market. This Transformation will not halt at the beach or dock.


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Enjoy ocean and the enviroment without producing a footprint. Electrify the ocean and enjoy sustainability, two phrases by which eD-TEC lives and breathes by. Today Enjoyment and sustainability, are no longer mutually exclusive.


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Creating memories and experiences that are sustainable for generations to come. 


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Perfect control, end-to-end-electronics, data and cloud-based development ensures an optimal and secure system network and generates continuous updates and upgrades over the air.

Best System

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All components are to be operated in the ideal operating range in the system platform. Only a holistic technology approach can achieve system efficiency.

Silent Power & Footprint

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Silent Power also mean silent footprint, less sound, wake and no pollution. 

New Business Model

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 New business models revolving and driven by software updates and upgrades enable the subscriber to constant development.

 Best Hull

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A lightweight hull using carbon or nature fiber to gain structural integrity without compromising weight. Enhanced via foil or stepped hull technology.


The eD-QDrive

 Drive Front portfolio

Vision - Electrify the Ocean




Our story

eD-TEC is deeply rooted in the electric transformation. As former Head of Strategy (Brand & Group) Michael Jost CEO and founder of eD-TEC, steered and pushed the Volkswagen Group towards e-mobility. In the pursuit of neutral and silent mobility on the ocean, the eD-TEC team developed a Holistic 360° Technology stack to utilize and maximize the efficiencies of every component. eD-TEC proves that luxury, comfort, performance, and sustainability are mutually exclusive in no way, shape or form. Instead, on the contrary, the benefits of electrification only enhance the experience. Join us and discover a new understanding of power.




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What we do

eD-TEC develops a holistic backbone of your vessel. While propulsion is the core strength of eD-TEC, we also design and develop the entire electrical architecture to ensure the harmonic interaction of every component. Responsible for managing the vessel is the AI BOX, which can manage and operate every element of the system and keep all components up to date with the latest software. eD-TEC provides the vessel architecture (incl. eD-QDrive) as a modular product to third partie