Breaking the Mold: eD-Enterprise Parks in Style! 🌊⚡️ Who says EV parking spots are just for cars? At eD-TEC, we like to challenge norms and break the mold in the most electrifying way possible! Behold the eD-Enterprise, our Test vessel, taking the spotlight in a Car Charging spot at Marina Punat. 🛥️🚗 We believe that the future of sustainable transportation knows no bounds, and that includes reimagining where electric vehicles can charge. So why not give our sleek and powerful eD-Enterprise a chance to recharge in a spot typically reserved for cars? After all, it's all about embracing innovation with a touch of humor! While some may raise an eyebrow or two at the sight of our magnificent vessel parked alongside cars, we see it as a fun reminder that electric vehicle charging infrastructure can be versatile and accommodate a wide range of sustainable transportation options.